2014 Regional 24 Challenge Tournament Announced

V2CTM is once again sponsoring the Regional 24 Challenge Tournament.  The event will be held on Wednesday, April 9, 2014 at 6:00 pm at Wilson Middle School in Fishersville, VA.  All elementary schools are invited to participate.  Each school may bring a team of four participants with one proctor.
To register an elementary school team, please email me at [email protected] by Friday, March 28, 2014.  We look forward to seeing you at the event!
Regional 24 Challenge Tournament Information
Date:  Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Location:  Wilson Middle School
Address:  232 Hornet Road, Fishersville, VA  22939
Time:  6:00PM Registration Deadline:  Friday, March 28, 2014
Contact Info:  Laurie Biser   [email protected]
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Fall Conference a Big Success

Nearly 100 teachers and administrators enjoyed the Fall 2013 V2CTM Conference  held on November 7, 2013 at Clymore Elementary School.  Dr. Jennifer Suh from George Mason University presented a thought-provoking opening session including a discussion of the Five Strands of Mathematics Proficiency which was followed up by three breakout sessions presented by Zig Siegfried from James Madison University, Katy Ulrich from Virginia Tech, and Pat Gabriel from Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology.

At the business meeting, President Jenny Gibson led a discussion of the spring VCTM conference to be held at JMU, March 14-15, and hosted by V2CTM.  Jenny announced that there would be no spring V2CTM meeting due to the VCTM conference.  Numerous door prizes were presented thanks to Kara Velez’s efforts.

White Hill Catering’s Italian dinner was enjoyed by all.

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Register for the Fall 2013 Conference

Click here to register for the Fall 2013 V2CTM Conference to be held on November 7, 2013 at Clymore Elementary School in Fort Defiance.  To find out the details of the conference, download the newsletter: ReflectionFall2013

The Fall conference features four experienced and well known Virginia mathematics educators:  Jennifer Suh from GMU, Zig Siegfried from JMU, Katy Ulrich from Virginia Tech, and Pat Gabriel from Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology.

At the business meeting, led by President Jenny Gibson, there will be a discussion of the spring VCTM conference to be held at JMU, March 14-15, and hosted by V2CTM.

You can’t beat all of this and a catered Italian dinner by White Hill Catering for only $5!

Please complete your registration prior to November 1.

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Save the date–November 7

The 2013 Fall Meeting will be held on November 7 at Clymore Elementary School in Fort Defiance.  There will be several speakers with statewide recogntion–the full program will be posted soon.

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April 25 Meeting a Big Success!

Approximately 85 educators enjoyed a very good evening of mathematics education on April 25 at the annual Spring V2CTM Meeting at Pleasant Valley Elementary School as detailed in the pictures below:

A packed house enjoyed LouAnn Lovin’s session for K-2 teachers.DSC02925





Likewise, Eric Imbrescia’s 3-5 presentation was appreciated by a room full of teachers.






Husband/wife team of Alexis and John Stevens shared the importance of proportional reasoning in a session with 6th – 12th teachers.




Door prizes a’plenty were handed out thanks to Kara Velez with help from Jean Sterner.






The meeting included a delicious catered dinner provided by White Hill Catering.



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Register Here for the April 25, 2013 V2CTM Meeting at PVES

The Spring V2CTM Conference will be held on Thursday, April 25, at Pleasant Valley Elementary School. Registration begins at 5:00 and the business meeting (including door prizes!) starts at 5:30. The catered dinner is at 5:50 and is followed by three breakout sessions presented by some excellent local math educators: LouAnn Lovin, Eric Imbrescia, and Alexis & John Stevens.

To register for the April 25 conference, click here.   All online registration needs to be completed by April 18 so we can have an accurate dinner count.

Click here to view the Spring 2013 V2CTM Reflection newsletter which has all of the details about the meeting plus other information of interest to local teachers.

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NCTM has Pi Day Ideas

You can get a lot of ideas from NCTM for Pi Day (3/14/13) by clicking here.

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Math Specialists not on the table this year

Michael Bolling passed along some disappointing news from the Virginia General Assembly’s January 2013 session.

You may remember that the Virginia Board of Education provided the Governor and General Assembly with a report at the end of November that included recommendations for changes to the Standards of Quality or SOQ (this is a section of the Code of Virginia – Virginia Law), which mandate minimum staffing ratios and other elements of the foundational educational program all Virginia school divisions must provide.

The board’s recommended SOQ revisions included:
·         One reading specialist for every 1,000 K-12 students and one mathematics specialist for every 1,000 K-8 students;
·         One educational data coordinator for every 1,000 K-12 students;
·         One full-time assistant principal for every 400 K-12 students and one full-time principal for all elementary schools; and
·         Inclusion of the state’s Early Intervention Reading Initiative and Algebra Readiness Initiative in the SOQ funding model.

The board’s recommendation for one mathematics specialist for every 1,000 K-8 students was not included in the Governor’s budget, and we are not currently aware of any legislation addressing this topic.

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V2CTM Board Meeting January 9

The V2CTM Board met on Wednesday, January 9, 2013 in the Frazier Room of the Rockingham County Public School Board Offices, 100 Mount Clinton Pike, Harrisonburg.

Plans for the spring meeting were developed. Minutes from this meeting are available on the Documents/Handouts page of this website

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DOE Press Release about Reducing Time on Math SOL Tests

VDOE Shares Strategies for Reducing Math SOL Test Times

High expectations for students, thorough knowledge of the 2009 Mathematics Standards of Learning (SOL) Curriculum Framework and an emphasis on multistep problem solving and vocabulary throughout the year are cited by teachers and administrators as contributing to the success of students who completed Virginia’s challenging new mathematics assessments in three or fewer hours.

In response to concerns from school divisions about the amount of time it took some students to complete the new mathematics SOL tests last year, the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) surveyed teachers and other educators from 16 relatively high-scoring divisions.

Students in all of the surveyed divisions achieved mathematics pass rates of at least 70 percent during 2011-2012 and, in all of the divisions, at least 75 percent of students in grades 3-8 completed their mathematics SOL tests within two hours and 90 percent completed their end-of-course assessments within three hours.

“Educators across the state worked hard last year — and continue to work hard — to help students meet the Board of Education’s rigorous new mathematics standards,” Superintendent of Public Instruction Patricia I. Wright said. “But some school divisions stand out in how well prepared their students were for the new mathematics tests, and I believe all divisions can benefit from their experiences.”

Survey participants were asked to identify reasons most of their students were able to complete their tests successfully within the above time frames. Teachers cited the following as critical in preparing students for success on the new mathematics tests:

  • Incorporating multistep problem solving in lessons throughout the year;
  • Increasing the rigor of classroom instruction and assignments, including quizzes and tests;
  • Collaborating with other teachers to create common unit assessments; and
  • Analyzing classroom assessment data to identify students in need of remediation.

Educators also emphasized the importance of making sure that teachers were aware of — and able to locate — instructional resources and practice test items on the VDOE website. Respondents also stressed professional development for teachers focused on the 2009 mathematics standards as a critical factor supporting student success on the new tests.

The Board of Education strengthened Virginia’s mathematics standards in 2009 to ensure that students are prepared for the challenges of the first year of college or meaningful entry-level employment when they graduate from high school. The 2011-2012 mathematics SOL tests were the first to reflect the increased rigor of the new standards.

A summary of the survey results and instructional strategies for minimizing testing times was shared with school divisions late last month and posted on the VDOE website.  Click here for that.

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