D.O.E. Announces Math Vocabulary Cards Available

Mathematics vocabulary cards aligned with the 2009 Mathematics SOL for grades K-8 are now available from the Virginia Department of Education. Click here to view what’s available.
Mathematics vocabulary word wall cards provide a display of mathematics content words and associated visual cues to assist in vocabulary development. The cards should be used as an instructional tool for teachers and then as a reference for all students, particularly English learners and students with disabilities.

Suggested uses as a formative instructional tool:
·         Integrate the use of cards into daily instruction and then post on the classroom wall for student reference.
·         Include an “active” vocabulary card section containing cards that are currently being used as an instructional tool.
·         Highlight key words or portions of pictures.
·         Add notation, words, or pictures that connect to instructional discussions or formal definitions.
·         Group multiple cards when teaching units that include multiple vocabulary words.
·         Reformat cards to create a personal set on a ring that can be used for student reference.

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Fall 2012 Meeting Well Attended

November 13 meeting at Thomas Harrison Middle School well-attended

Over 100 teachers and college students attended the November 13, 2012 V2CTM meeting held at Thomas Harrison Middle School in Harrisonburg.  The program was as follows:

4:30 – 5:00      Registration

5:00 – 6:00       Breakout sessions

  • Elementary Session:  Number Sense means you can shut your eyes and see it… by Joe Hill, Bridgewater College
  • Middle School Session:  Fire in Pythagorville by Anne Loso, Mathematics Coordinator, Harrisonburg City Schools
  •  High School Session:  Using Optimization Problems to Teach Algebraic Reasoning, by Jesse Blossser, Eastern Mennonite High School

6:00 – 6:45      Dinner catered by White Hill Catering (Chicken Breast w/ Mushroom Cream Sauce, Rice, Roasted Vegetables, Rolls, Dessert, Sweetened and Unsweetened Tea and Water)

6:45 – 7:00       Business Meeting:  Kyle Schultz, V2CTM President

7:00 – 7:45      General Session:  Process and Content Standards in Mathematics: Thoughts and Reflections by Michael Bolling

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