Regional 24 Challenge Tournament Scheduled for April 12, 2016

Game24Join us for this year’s Regional 24 Challenge, sponsored by V2CTM!
Date:  Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Location:  Wilson Middle School
Address:  232 Hornet Road, Fishersville, VA
Time:  6:00PM (Players and Leaders, please arrive by 5:50)
Registration Deadline:  Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Contact Info:  Laurie Biser   [email protected]    540.245.5117
Please register your team (4 players per school) by Tuesday, April 5 using this google form (additional details available on the form): 
You can download a flyer and a brochure about the Regional 24 Challenge Tournament here:
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Those at the 2016 Spring Conference Learn About Proposed Changes to Math SOLs

Approximately 100 teachers and administrators enjoyed Michael Bolling’s presentation on Wednesday, March 16, at the Spring 2016 V2CTM Conference.  Michael, who serves as the Director of Mathematics at the Virginia Department of Education, gave attendees an overview of the proposed changes to the Mathematics SOL in Virginia which were presented to the State Board of Education on March 17.  The timeline for the SOL revision is for it to be reviewed and approved by Fall, 2016.  He also challenged teachers toward excellence in teaching and highlighted recent improvements on statewide math scores.

The conference was hosted by Fort Defiance High School where a delicious catered meal was prepared by White Hill Catering.  At the business meeting, the new slate of officers was approved including the election of President-Elect Laurie Biser from Augusta County Public Schools.  New Board members include Angie Deitz of Augusta County Schools, Missy Luikart from Rockingham County Public Schools, and Ellen Avalos from Harrisonburg City Schools.  John (Zig) Siegfried will continue as Treasurer.  Also at the business meeting, awards were presented to Dr. Bob Hanson for 50 years of teaching mathematics at JMU, to Joe Hill for 23 years of editing the V2CTM newsletter (Jenny Gibson is taking over these duties), and to Maria Swartzentruber from Linville-Edom Elementary School in Rockingham County for being presented the H. Joseph Hill Award for Excellence in Teaching  Mathematics.

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Spring Meeting to Feature Info about 2016 SOLs

The Valley of Virginia Council of Teachers of Mathematics’ Spring Conference will be held Wednebollingsday, March 16, at Fort Defiance High School.  The program will feature a presentation about the new Mathematics Standards of Learning (due to be released in March) by Michael Bolling, Director of Mathematics from the Virginia Department of Education.  As always, a delicious catered meal will be offered for only $5.00.   Registration will begin at 4:30, followed by dinner, business meeting, and the featured presentation, SOL Revision and the State of Mathematics in Virginia.   To register, click here.  Please register no later than March 9.

More details about the Spring meeting are in the Spring 2016 Reflection newsletter.  Click here to see it.

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24 Regional Challenge Tournament Set for April 12


Click here to download the informational brochure

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Nearly 90 Educators Hear about Motivation in Math Classes at Fall Conference

At the Fall 2015 V2CTM Conference held October 13 at Wilbur S. Pence Middle School, nearly 90 educators, administrators, and college students learned from Dr. Kenn Barron that there is a formula for optimally motivating students in the math classroom:  M = E + V – C.  Kenn defined and gave examples of M (Motivation), E (Expectancy), V (Value), and C (Cost).

As always, White Hill Catering provided a delicious catered meal and many door prizes were won by attendees.

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Bridgewater College Share Fair Nation Attended by Over 1300

The second Share Fair Nation sponsored by Bridgewater College and the Morgridge Foundation was held on Saturday, October 10 with over 1300 teachers, parents, and students in attendance.  Teachers had staff development sections related to teaching STEAM topics and students were treated to a gymnasium full of exhibits inShareFair1 the Funkhouser Center.  Here are some pictures of students and parents at the Bridgewater College Hands-On Math booth: ShareFair2 ShareFair3 ShareFair4


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Fall 2015 V2CTM Conference Scheduled for October 13 at WSPMS

The annual Fall Conference for the Valley of Virginia Council of Teachers of Mathematics will be on Tuesday, October 13 at Wilbur S. Pence Middle School in Dayton.  The keynote address will be “Is there a ‘formula’ to help understand and improve student motivation in my math class?” by Dr. Kenn Barron from JMU.  The schedule is as follows:
4:30 – 5:00 Registration
5:00 – 6:00 Catered Dinner and Business Meeting
6:00 – 7:30 Keynote speaker Dr. Kenn Barron from JMU

To see the Fall newsletter containing more information about this conference plus other articles, click ReflectionFall2015.

Registration, including dinner, is only $5.00. To register, click here

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Wilson Elementary School Scores Big in 2015 Regional 24 Challenge Tournament

V2CTM again sponsored the Regional 24 Challenge Tournament on April 23 at Wilson Middle School.  The competition brought together 70+ students from 14 schools, including schools in Staunton, Waynesboro, Augusta County, Greene County, and Rockingham County.

Player representation in the semi-final round of 16 included students from Staunton City, Rockingham, and Augusta County. The final four players were all from Wilson Elementary School in Augusta County. The winners were:

Third Runner Up: Ethan Briseno, Wilson Elementary School

Second Runner Up: Clark Dana, Wilson Elementary School

1st Runner Up: Aiden Podgorski, Wilson Elementary School

Grand Champ: Jimmy Chen, Wilson Elementary School

Wilson Elementary School’s coaches are Linda Bowers and Donald Burton.

Special thanks to John Stevens, Stuarts Draft High School, for being the emcee for the event and to Laurie Biser who chaired the event for V2CTM.

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2015 Spring Conference a Big Hit!

“The fastest two hours I have spent in ages” remarked one person as he left the Number Talks session by Dr. Sherry Parish at the 2015 Spring V2CTM Conference held March 17 at Skyline Middle School in Harrisonburg. “Great Google Sketchup Session” commented another attendee who had attended Dr. Carl Lee’s session. These two were among the 131 teachers and administrators who enjoyed a delicious buffet dinner supplied by Whitehill Catering, efficient business meeting run by Jenny Gibson, and two excellent and well-attended workshops.

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2015 Spring Conference Set for March 17 at Skyline Middle

The 2015 Spring V2CTM Conference, to be held March 17 at Skyline Middle School in Harrisonburg, features two nationally known speakers.  Dr. Sherry Parrish, author of the widely popular Number Talks, will conduct an extended workshop for K-8 attendees.  Dr. Carl Lee, a distinguished professor from the Department of Mathematics at the University of Kentucky, will conduct a workshop, Modeling with Google SketchUp in the School Classroom.  As usual, Whitehill Catering will bring us a delicious meal.  More information about the workshops and other conference details will be forthcoming in the spring Newsletter.  Mark your calendars!  Registration is already open–click here to register online.

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